with its unique, patented tracking method of "read-hold-verification" can be used as a stand-alone unit
or integrated with any inserting machine for end-of-line mail verification and reporting.
As finished assembled envelopes pass through the VDUi, the camera/scanner reads the code at every cycle
by holding the envelope for sequence checking before delivery to output conveyor stacker. Out of sequence
envelopes are diverted and tagged in the run file for audit report generation and reconciliation.
The VDUi is capable to read the industry-standard codes (1D, 2D, OCR, IMB, etc.)

technologies are designed to provide advanced quality and integrity control for any business
process or production system that requires monitoring or tracking.
JETvision provides a comprehensive selection of machine vision modules ranging from simple
operations performed with a single camera to very complex operations using single or multiple cameras.

reading technology can be used to read and analyze all industry-standard codes
(1D, 2D, OCR, IMB, etc.), as well as images, logos and postage.
VEKtor is completely integrated both mechanically and electronically through the BICOS operating system,
providing centralized reading setup and control.
The complete system is programmed, operated and controlled from one interface, simplifying operation.
The reading system can be installed into system input modules such as cutters or sheet feeders, as well
as at the end of the inserting process.